Technology and the rise of UGC


My third essay for my master's project has focuses on technology and the rise of User-Generated Content.

Adopting and adapting new technology has been a feature of documentary filmmaking from the outset. This essay examines the relationship between the documentary film maker and technology, arguing that technology has always had a critical role in not only shaping the way in which documentary film has been made in the past, but that technology continues to shape approaches and methodologies in film and television today. However, whereas in the past the major beneficiaries of these technological advances have been professional documentary filmmakers, the most notable beneficiaries of the recent technological advancements have been amateur filmmakers, including users in developing societies. This essay looks at the links between technology and documentary film and examines how new technology is driving changes in both production and distribution, with particular reference to engaging audiences in developing countries.

The essay seems to have been well received, gaining another distinction. You can down load and read the essay here. It remains unchanged from the file that was submitted for assessment. 


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I have set up this little blog as a means of gathering information and data for my Masters project. I will use the blog to collate some of the material that I find and post links to interesting content.

I am also planning to add some film reviews to the blog in due course.


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